Keep smile, Leave tear, Think joy, Forget the fear. Because the pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that is coming.

May 22, 2011

no entry -

 Fall in love because you love a person.
Don’t fall in love because you like a person. Like doesn’t last!

Stop looking for perfect partners. Just find someone who know how lucky they are when they have you!

Sometimes I need patience in order to find true happiness.
It won’t come fast and it won’t come easy,
but it will be worth it.

practical tourist guide.

hell-oo bloggie! ahd subuh subuh td kan i and mama lepak kat klcc dari 2.ooam - 9.ooam! gilekannnnnn! tapi best, gilee first time tak tido. bak kate mama 'jom nurul, samesame bersusah senang' hehe sweet kan :D okey actly mcm ni, mama i kan tourist guide, so die ade dpt job. kena amek ticket to visit skybrigde twin tower. mostly yg guide2 mmg akn berkempen kat lua pintu dari pukul 12.ooam lagi sampai kaunter bukak (8.ooam) gileeekannn! kalo tak beratur, cop tmpt mmg tak dpt la ticket sbb sehari petronas akn kelua kan 1500 ticket sahaje to visit, ahh dgr mcm byk kan tp cayelah 1500 tuh sgt tidak cukup -.-' gempak tak gempak jugak laaa kan! so i dgn mama dgn bangge nya pukul2.oo dah ade kat sane. naseb guide tak ramai, bile kire2 kiteorg tmpt ke17 la. so lpk lpk, borak2. pegi minum kejap. then dtg tggu blk sampai pukul6 kauter bukak. tapi blm bukak btl just masuk dlm je. then beratur lagi. yaAllah, makin lame makin ramai. mcm2 gelagat yg ade. yg tido ats lantai, yg pokpek2 tak berhenti, yg potong line org. i tgk muka polis2 yg jage sume hati pns. dah la i sesat nakg toilet, haha! then tgh line ni, kaunter pun bukak (8.30am). OMG! percaya atau tidak, tiba je giliran i dgn mama, ticket for guide abes. just tggl for guest. okey mmg bole amek under guest. tp time pulak tak sesuai. sume tggl yg visit pukul 940am. muka mama frust gileee :'(  i pulak rase serba slh! ni sume sbb perempuan2 cibai yg gemok lagi gendut yg dok potong line kiteorg. mama mls nak bising, sbb dorang guide jugak. tp tulah mama jugak yg susah. then bile mama cal ejen, ejen ckp tak pyh beli ticket, sbb jadual tourist pkl2.30 visit skybrigde. dgn bangge dan marah nya kiteorg pon blaa la. can you imagine! beratur dari pukul2.oo sampai 9.00am then ticket tak dpt. mmg fuc*! tp tulah dugaan mama ckp, uhh mama nmpk frust sgt sampai tak terckp die dlm keta. so aftr ni mama ckp kalo ade keje amek ticket skybrigde ni lagi mama akn bagi i even i blm rasmi jd guide. mama ckp ni practical utk i. so td mama bagi i upah rm50.00 :) semyum lebarrrr akuuuuuu! okey a, totally mmg fun jd guide ni. knowledge kita tak same mcm org biase. tuh special nya. so i hope i lulus exm bln8 ni, then i akn dpt lesen(badge) mcm mama jugak. insyaAllah amin.

super duper be are tourist guide!

22MEI2011 / 9:51PM


May 18, 2011

ce cite ce cite.

hell-oo bloggie! yea im fine. lame i tak tulis tulis kat bloggie, rinduuuuuu la. ngee, bkn mls tapi mcm tak de mase. yea, bkn takde topic, byk gile kot nak shareeeee. tapi time tuh mcm tak sesuai je. now so far so good, evrythng okey :) i'll try to melangkah lebih jauh for my future. try hadapi sumeee cabaran yg dtg. nak menjadi org yg matang *cewahhhh! yea ade story sikit ni, lately mcm tatao why, i rase dlm diam i ade prblm. but i dont know wht? yeaaa i tamo mention kat sini ;p takot nnt jd kontroversi plakk!


God knows our feelings.
It’s just that we have to open our mouth
and heart when we wanted Him to listen.
 the precious memories ever:
susah senang kita, biar kita yang rasa! Just two of us.


Please, Don’t let me make the same mistake again!
If he can read my mind, will he stay or leave?

thanks for colouring my lifeeeee :D

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

tulisantangan :-
18mei2011/ 9:00pm.

May 12, 2011

belajar dari kesilapan.

belajar dari kesilapan.

by Nfz Bryner on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 9:52pm
hidup ni kadang-kadang boleh jadi macam 'liquid paper' - "bile kita menulis then salah, kita padam dan ia menjadi warna putih 'kosong'. kemudian kita akn tulis supaya ia menjadi betul. yea, kita tahu disebalik 'liquid paper' tu masih ade bekas yg salah. tak percaya cube kikis? tapi kita taknak sbb kita tahu benda tu salah. jd kita teruskan menulis hingga noktah terakhir". jangan cuba utk kikis, sbb kita tahu yang salah tetap akn jd salah dan belajarlah betulkan ape yg kita tahu salah.

12may2011/ 10:20pm

May 6, 2011

sukar meramal perasaan * asthma :'(

HELL-OO blogger! yeahh time i  update blog nih, i baru je lps bgn tido *agak blurr lg ni -.-' tapi takpe. just nak share ape i mimpi tadi. now actly i ngh demam, asthma. i bangun ni pon sbb terjage mama bubuh kaen basah kat dahi  :'( tq mammy! okeyy actly i tak bape ingt mimpi tuh, just ade satu ayt dlm mimpi tuh yg buat i mcm nth la, ssh nak expln. mcm ni ayt die " selagi kau bernama manusia, kau takn terlepas dari buat silap. cepat la sedar " okeyy, sound die mcm pelik kan? hope takde apelaaa. rilex nana! uhh.

i perlukan you time i demam nih, sangat perlukan you.
i berangan you jage i macam i nih 'baby' 
tapi you takde pon, sbb you terasa hati dengan i.
okeyy i tatao nak buat ape. i minta maaf okeyy?
sangat berharap you tak merajuk lame lame :'(

tulisantangan :-
seven mei two thousand eleven. 1: 52am


May 3, 2011

One day you'll love me, the way I loved you. One day you'll think of me the way I thought of you. One day you'll cry for me, the way I cried for you. One day you'll want me, but don't want you because i want u feel the way i feel when i want you
If you lose hope in other people, then they will lose hope in you. However, if you continue to love them and be there for them, then they will always be there for you.
If your love does not work with that person, it just means that someone else loves you more.
When I say "I'm fine", I want you to take my hands and say
"I know you're not."


tulisantangan :-
4MEI2011 / 2:10AM